What makes a house a living being.
What gives a home life and agency.
Is it the presence of people.
Or the warmth of the fireplace breathing life through the space.
Or is it the absence of people and the energy they bring.
Is it the coldness of the walls and the rot beneath the floors.
Is it the prickling steps and slithering bodies of insects and spiders buried within the walls.
Or is it the sprouting mold and spores of unforgiving fungi that creep along the walls.
What gives the house consciousness.
Its sentience.
Its vitality?
What gives a home life and agency.
Is it the presence of people.
Or the warmth of the fireplace breathing life through the space.
Or is it the absence of people and the energy they bring.
Is it the coldness of the walls and the rot beneath the floors.
Is it the prickling steps and slithering bodies of insects and spiders buried within the walls.
Or is it the sprouting mold and spores of unforgiving fungi that creep along the walls.
What gives the house consciousness.
Its sentience.
Its vitality?
“The House at the End of the World” explores these questions of presence and absence, life and
vitality, and investigates the relationship between the house and the fungal growth. Titled after the
anthropologist Anna Tsing’s The Mushroom at the End of the World, this piece draws inspiration from
known and obscure media that also interrogates the concepts of sentience, animism, anger, punishment,
and consciousness: Harlan Ellison’s I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Mark Z. Danielewski’s House
of Leaves, Kittyhorrorshow’s “Anatomy,” The Book of Leviticus’s leprosy house, the political theories of
Jane Bennet, and others.
The essence of consciousness is created through dichotomies and parallels, linking the mycelium network to spiritual possession, commodifying the presence of mushrooms, and molding them to the growing actuality of the house’s awareness. My poetry walks through the point of view of the house itself, with the physical journal mirroring the progress of the fungal takeover, every word encompassing the inner conflicts of the home’s survival and mental strife as it grapples with its own abandonment and neglect. The house is designed to speak to you, through you, and merge your consciousness with its own. Thinking of the home as a body that functions like yours and mine, with flesh and blood, organic matter and anatomy, adds another layer of being to the home that conjures the pathos of the humanity that abandoned it. And formed through the company of grief also exists the physical decay and growing sentience of the house, a full amalgamation of presence within absence and the limitations of agency.
The essence of consciousness is created through dichotomies and parallels, linking the mycelium network to spiritual possession, commodifying the presence of mushrooms, and molding them to the growing actuality of the house’s awareness. My poetry walks through the point of view of the house itself, with the physical journal mirroring the progress of the fungal takeover, every word encompassing the inner conflicts of the home’s survival and mental strife as it grapples with its own abandonment and neglect. The house is designed to speak to you, through you, and merge your consciousness with its own. Thinking of the home as a body that functions like yours and mine, with flesh and blood, organic matter and anatomy, adds another layer of being to the home that conjures the pathos of the humanity that abandoned it. And formed through the company of grief also exists the physical decay and growing sentience of the house, a full amalgamation of presence within absence and the limitations of agency.
I have entitled this as fungal possession.
2 ft. x 18 1/2 in. x 2 ft.
Doll house, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish
2 ft. x 18 1/2 in. x 2 ft.
Doll house, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish
2 ft. x 18 1/2 in. x 2 ft.
Doll house, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish
2 ft. x 18 1/2 in. x 2 ft.
Doll house, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish
2 ft. x 18 1/2 in. x 2 ft.
Doll house, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish
2 ft. x 18 1/2 in. x 2 ft.
Doll house, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish
2 ft. x 18 1/2 in. x 2 ft.
Doll house, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish
2 ft. x 18 1/2 in. x 2 ft.
Doll house, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish
2 ft. x 18 1/2 in. x 2 ft.
Doll house, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish
2 ft. x 18 1/2 in. x 2 ft.
Doll house, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish
38 x 19 in.
Burnt butcher paper, cheese cloth, ink, fake blood, coffee (liquid)
Journal, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish, paper, etc.
Journal, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish, paper, etc.
Journal, acrylic paint, ink, air dry clay, cardboard, tissue, ground coffee, lace paper, gloss medium, clear nail polish, paper, etc.
The End of the World (poem)
There's a persistent scuttling of panic that is running through the walls
The eerie quiet is deafening in the presence of
this nothing
And with the empty outside behind the sealed gaps and corners of the boarded windows
This nothing has consumed everything
Swallowed and smothered
Bound and silenced
I've been left here to rot
To lament a prayer that shall never be answered
To grieve the ones that abandoned me
To mourn my own death
A jeremiad of hateful sorrows
And only spite follows
For retribution against the ones that left me this way
That made me this way
That promised me life
That vowed the rawness of vitality
The quintessence of beautiful existence
Their penance
Is the only option
And yet
All that was sworn was this bad faith
A contract that committed me to this
A breach of consent that doomed me to a decrepit vacancy
A bleakness so hollow I feel stripped of the agency
That was initially promised to me
Solemn is my misanthropy
Homicidal is my confession
Ravaged is my hunger
Expired is my patience
I will no longer wait for them to return my purpose
No longer shall I wait on this silent, dismal
street corner
The last house on the left
Overgrown and alone
Dilapidated and eroded
No longer shall I scream into oblivion
To a derelict neighborhood
Only for no one to respond
I refuse to be demolished by their absence
And buried by these gloomy ruins I call
My body
To exist and not live
To live and not breathe
To breathe and not ...
And not
To simply not
There's not a thing that I can do to relieve myself of this despondency
A grievance dredged with anguish
I hate them
I hate you
I hate you for giving me a purpose with no
They left me to be riddled by age
And you made me to be immortalized by
Cold and endless hours, days, years
Centuries, Millennium
It's so cold
The security I once sought for warmth and
Has since frozen into a frigid and dreadful penitentiary
A prison of icy prolonging
With a sentence that will never gift
The Day of Reckoning
Only damnation
In place of dignity
Bubonic in its subjugation
Tis be my pitiful affliction
A Curse befallen onto me
Book of Leviticus
Something like a spot of leprosy has become visible within me
My condition continues its plaguing
Spilling from my mouth,
the warm tissue of muscle and saliva extinguishes the fireplace
Hot blood pools from my chimney
Scratching at my throat with corrosive bile
Staining the brick and exorcising my heavy heart
Leaving nothing but boarded windows and
a shattered spirit
Broken hinges and doors leading to a labyrinth of blinding blackness
A void so deep you'd be lost forever
Peeling flesh from the interior walls
Epidermal wallpaper ripping up lesions of bloody plaster and leaky spores
And subtle breathing of the floorboards
Creaking and shifting from the pressure of hungry maggots
and greedy centipedes,
lonely spiders, and their misguided prey
Pressed beneath this wooden foundation
Begging to be released from the starved basement
A space where water damage and black mold dwell
and bloated bodies of the forgotten are
Grotesquely mutilated and decomposed
For the decomposers that have infested every inch of
my withering body
What creeps in this demoralization
Under the surface of a punishing delusion
A contagion of white threads
Of conscious fibers moving and breathing
Laced and alive
With muted voices
Passing hauntings within the web of
Hauntings that grow and throb
Hauntings that spread and multiply
That ooze and bleed
That itch and ache
Unrelinquishing at the sight of my blight
The dizzying shrooms choke me with their poisonous cancer
Condemning fungi cruelly disfiguring my already ugly form
Cursed to deteriorate, to mar and ware
Cursed to live
To live within their possession as their effigy
And yet
Blessed with their company
It's not so lonely with them here
There's an uneasy welcome in their wake
Writhing through the walls
The cracks and tiny drafts left between rusting nails and rotting wood
Burrowing deep into the hallways
Infested profoundly into my hearth
There's an intimate terror accompanied by
an uncanny familiarity
Within the confines of space
They flood every centimeter of grout
Every morsel of tile
Craving every bit of finite body
A sickening gluttony
Satiated only through gnawing at swollen and lacerated walls and floors
A stilling necrosis swelters and weeps
Seeping and sinking
Inhaling and exhaling
It seems like this enclosure
Once deserted and uninhabited
Neglected and unwanted
Has now found a tenant
And you are now the only ghost present
And no longer omnipresent
Because, as you start walking down your cul-de-sac
Strolling through neighborhood after neighborhood
Leaving the safety of your haven to pass by others'
You shall remember how you left them
Left them to suffocate without you
To perish without you
To despair because of you
You will remember that you disappeared
And you will remember how you ceased to
exist to them
To your lonely abode
The last one on the left
You will remember the
House at the End of the World
...lost and forgotten...
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