36 x 40 in.
Raw canvas, burnt paper, 6 in. railroad spikes, 3 in. nails, fake blood, twine, charcoal, ink, butcher paper, acrylic paint, coffee
36 x 40 in.
Raw canvas, burnt paper, 6 in. railroad spikes, 3 in. nails, fake blood, twine, charcoal, ink, butcher paper, acrylic paint, coffee
38 x 19 in.
Burnt butcher paper, cheese cloth (2x), ink, fake blood, coffee, thread
38 x 19 in.
Burnt butcher paper, ink, charcoal, pastel pencil, color pencil, fake blood, ink pen, thread
38 x 19 in.
Burnt butcher paper, ink, charcoal, pastel pencil, color pencil, fake blood, ink pen, thread
38 x 19 in.
Burnt butcher paper, ink, charcoal, pastel pencil, color pencil, fake blood, ink pen, thread
94 x 19 in. (top to bottom)
Burnt butcher paper, ink, charcoal, pastel pencil, color pencil, fake blood, ink pen, cheese cloth (2x), coffee, twine, butcher paper, salt, wine glass
18x18 in.
Butcher paper, salt, wine glass, fake blood, twine
Burnt butcher paper and ink
Burnt butcher paper and ink
Burnt butcher paper and ink
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